为满足我国新型机载遥感仪器“实用型模块化成像光谱仪”的需要,中国科学院上海技术物理研究所的科研人员于1999年承担了该仪器的核心探测器件之一——64元短波和长波增强硅光二极管线列阵的设计和研制任务,经过将近一年时间的努力,他们圆满地完成了任务,并按时将该器件交付使用。 目前,该器件已通过了由中国科
In order to meet the needs of “a practical modular imaging spectrometer” for the new airborne remote sensing instrument in China, researchers at the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, assumed one of the core detection devices of the instrument in 1999 - a 64-element shortwave and longwave enhancement After nearly a year’s efforts, they successfully completed the mission and delivered the device on time. At present, the device has passed by the China Branch