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昭君出塞的故事在中国各地流传已久,历来吟咏昭君的文学作品也是层出不穷。昭君故事的流传和演变在敦煌文学作品中也有体现,《王昭君变文》是敦煌变文中的典型代表,颇具敦煌文学特色,反映了唐代民间文人对昭君故事的加工与再创造。《汉书》和《后汉书》中对昭君故事均有记载且相对真实,文章通过昭君身份、昭君出塞原因、昭君结局和单于形象四个方面,充分结合两部史书中对昭君出塞的记载,多角度地阐述了变文中昭君故事和历史上真实的昭君故事之间的不同。 Zhaojun stuffed the story of the spread has long been around in China, has always chanting Zhaojun literary works are endless. The spreading and evolution of the story of Zhaojun is also reflected in Dunhuang literary works. Wang Zhaojun’s variant is a typical representative of Dunhuang Variations, which is quite Dunhuang literary features, reflecting the processing and re-creation of Zhaojun stories by folk scholars in the Tang Dynasty. The story of Zhaojun is recorded and relatively true in both the Han Dynasty and the Later Han Dynasty. The article fully combines the records of Zhaojun in two historical books through Zhaojun’s identity, the reason of Zhaojun’s invasion, Zhaojun’s ending and single image, , Expounds in a multi-angle the difference between the Zhaojun story in the variation and the real Zhaojun story in history.
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