
来源 :价格与市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zch_kitty
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企业并购是资本运营的重要形式,也是解决我国国有企业战略性重组、优化资源配置等问题的重要手段。在并购过程中,并购价格往往是最敏感、最受关注的因素,并购价格综合体现了整个并购活动中各方面的利益关系,是企业并购的关键。对企业并购价格的分析与研究,能更好地指导企? Mergers and acquisitions (M & A) are an important form of capital operation and also an important means to solve the strategic restructuring of state-owned enterprises in China and optimize the allocation of resources. In the process of M & A, the price of M & A is often the most sensitive and the most concerned factor. M & A price comprehensively reflects the interests of all aspects of the M & A activity and is the key to M & A. Analysis and research on the price of corporate mergers and acquisitions, can better guide enterprises?
“虽无丝竹管弦之盛。” 意思是,虽然没有管弦齐奏的盛况。丝竹,弦乐器与竹管乐器的总称,也泛指音乐。丝竹、管弦意思相同。  “虽无丝竹管弦”六字笔画柔美,气韵贯通,尽显流畅之美;而“之盛”多用折笔,有顿挫之感,显阳刚之美。