患男,38岁,于1992年2月24日因受凉头痛,流涕,自认为“感冒”,口服麦迪霉素(安徽阜阳市第二制药厂1991年3月生产)0.3,3次/d,服第2次药后30min,感面部发热,肿胀、微痒,未介意。服第3次药物后。眼脸肿胀,睁眼困难,面部红肿加重,继之尿血(洗肉水色),心悸,失眠.翌日上午来诊.既往健康.查体:T37℃,P116次/min,BP14.0/9.0kPa,面部及眼睑肿胀,有抓痕,触之发热,其它(-).血白细胞13.0×10~9/L.中性0.8,嗜酸细胞计数0.9×10~9/L。尿红细胞+++/高倍,心电图示窦性心动过速.立即停用麦迪霉素,10%葡萄糖500ml+止血芳酸300mg 静脉滴注,息斯敏10mg1次/d,青霉素肌注,口服安定,治疗7d,症状消失。用同一批号麦迪霉素做斑贴试验,结果阳性.
Suffering from male, 38 years old, on February 24, 1992 due to cold headache, runny nose, think they “cold”, oral midecamycin (Anhui Fuyang Second Pharmaceutical Factory in March 1991 production) 0.3, 3 times / d , After taking the second drug 30min, feeling facial fever, swelling, itching, did not mind. After taking the third drug. Face swelling, eyes open, facial swelling increased, followed by hematuria (wash the meat color), palpitations, insomnia. The next morning visit. Past physical: T37 ℃, P116 times / min, BP14.0 / 9.0 kPa , Swelling of the face and eyelids, scratches, fever, other (-). White blood cells 13.0 × 10 ~ 9 / L. Neutral 0.8, eosinophil count 0.9 × 10 ~ 9 / L. Urinary red blood cells +++ / times, electrocardiogram shows sinus tachycardia immediately stop the use of midecamycin, 500ml of 10% glucose + hemostatic aromas 300mg intravenous infusion, astemizole 10mg1 times / d, penicillin intramuscular injection, oral stability, After 7 days of treatment, the symptoms disappeared. Patch test with the same batch of Midecamycin, the result was positive.