This article describes a simple and efficient method for determining porosity and permeability based on sonic log data. This method divides the logging curve into many segments of the same nature, divides these segments into several groups, and each group has a similar range of acoustic propagation time values. Core data were used to establish the conversion of acoustic propagation time to porosity for each group. The conversion of porosity to permeability is similarly determined. The porosity and permeability derived from the staged transformation based on the staged data are in good agreement with the core data. This can be explained by lithofacies, although the proposed method does not involve the input of any geologic information. On the contrary, for these reservoir properties, the total conversion formula based on the total data is ineffective and results in a false result that the staging method is quick and easy. This method is suitable for reservoirs when lithofacies information is not available Initial assessment of characteristics.