一、由一起赔案引来的新课题 众所周知,当车户参加了车辆保险,在使用中发生了意外事故,而这事故又属于机动车辆条款中保险责任范围,保险公司因此需给予赔偿。但是,假如这意外的事故是由于汽车质量问题或设计缺陷所造成的,能不能直接向厂家提出索赔要求呢?请看我们在实际工作中遇到的一件事例:1994年4月12日,一位保户来到人保邯郸县支公司报案,说他的一辆桑塔纳车开车归来后,停在车库里,并且上了锁,随后准备开车时,突然发现车内浓烟滚滚正在燃烧,他急忙拿救火设备扑灭了火灾,拔掉了电
First, a new subject caused by a loss of compensation As we all know, when the car owners to participate in the insurance, the accident occurred in use, and the accident belongs to the motor vehicle liability insurance coverage, the insurance company therefore need to be compensated. However, if the accident was caused by a car quality problem or a design flaw, can we directly claim the claim from the manufacturer? See an example we encountered in actual work: On April 12, 1994, A security guard came to the People’s Insurance Branch of Handan County to report that one of his Santana cars came back and stopped in the garage and locked. Rush firefighting equipment to extinguish the fire, unplug the electricity