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伴随着他的艺术创作和作为其艺术实践的补充,村上隆对超扁平运动的概念化和确立上,发挥了积极作用,在他所引领的这一运动中,他既是创作者又是信徒。作为一名艺术家,理论家,策展人,村上隆帮助创造和定义了一种非常具有特色的日本艺术景观,并将其打包输出给全球的观众。从上世纪90年代末,他就开始为北美,欧洲和日本的艺术空间策展,解读和推广日本艺术家作品,为 Along with his artistic creation and as a supplement to his artistic practice, Takashi Murakami played an active role in conceptualizing and establishing the ultra-flat movement, in which he was both a creator and a believer. As an artist, theorist, curator and Takashi Murakami, he helped create and define a very distinctive landscape of Japanese art and package it for export to a global audience. From the late 1990s, he began curating, interpreting and promoting Japanese artists’ works in art spaces in North America, Europe and Japan as