以“百城万店无假货”活动为契机 再塑国有商业新形象——济南市一商局系统开展“百城万店无假货”活动情况

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一、领导重视,周密组织,把“百城万店无假货”活动作为思想道德教育新的切入点,以此为契机,再塑国有商业新形象 “百城万店无假货”活动是巩固国有商业主渠道、净化社会风气和购物环境,提高文明程度的好形式。市一商系统所属13个国有大中型商业企业,有职工15000余人,商业经营面积38万平方米,经营着与人民生活密切相关的30多个大类近6万种商品。近年来,社会经商网点增多,有些不法分子有意制造、兜售假冒伪劣商品,群众深恶痛绝,直接影响了国有商店的形象,影响了党和政府与人民群众的关系,积极参加“百城万店无假货”活动,带头打假,带头遵守国家的法律法规,是国有商业义不容辞的责任。为了确保活动深入扎实地顺利开展,从市局到各企业都以最快的速度相继成立了领导小组。并把这次活动列入各级党委重要议事日程,党政主要领导齐抓共管。局长和各企业的总经理都亲自挂帅,担任领导小组组长。今年元月初,局属13家商业企业联合向全市商业服务企业发出倡议“以真诚赢得信誉,用信誉保证效益”,积极投入“百城万店无假货”活动,争创“无假冒商品商店”。5条倡议引起了全市同行业的关注和响应。局系统13家国有商业企业作为倡议者率先在店堂显要位置张贴出公开打假、促假 First, the leadership attaches great importance to careful organization, the “one hundred million stores without fake” as a new entry point for ideological and moral education, as an opportunity to reshape the new image of state-owned business, “one hundred cities shop without fake” activity is Consolidate the main channel of state-owned commerce, purify the social atmosphere and shopping environment, improve the level of civilization is a good form. There are 13 state-owned large and medium-sized commercial enterprises owned by the municipal commercial system, with more than 15,000 employees and a commercial and business area of ​​380,000 square meters. It operates nearly 60,000 commodities in more than 30 categories closely related to people’s lives. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of business outlets in the community. Some criminals intend to manufacture and sell counterfeit and shoddy goods. The masses hate the film industry. This has a direct impact on the image of state-owned stores and the relationship between the party and the government and the people, and actively participates in “ Goods ”activities, take the lead in counterfeiting, taking the lead to comply with national laws and regulations, is the bounden duty of state-owned commerce. In order to ensure the smooth and steady progress of the activities, the leading group has been set up as soon as possible from the municipal bureau to all enterprises. And put this activity into the important agenda of party committees at all levels. The major leaders of party and government should make concerted efforts. The director and the general manager of each company are personally supervisors, as the leading group leader. At the beginning of January this year, the bureaux and the 13 commercial enterprises jointly issued an initiative to the city’s commercial service enterprises to “earnestly win credit and ensure the benefits with credit”, actively investing in “no fake goods in hundreds of cities and countless stores” and striving to create a “no fake goods store ”. Five initiatives aroused the city’s concern and response with the industry. Bureau system 13 state-owned commercial enterprises as advocates took the lead in the shop prominent position posted an open crackdown, promote fake
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