Objective To understand residents’ smoking knowledge, attitudes and behaviors and to provide a scientific basis for smoking cessation among residents. Methods A stratified cluster sampling method was used to investigate the smoking behavior of 746 permanent residents over the age of 15 in Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai City using the Questionnaire on Smoking Behavior of Urban Residents. Results The prevalence of smoking among residents over 15 years old in this area was 26.5%, 42.2% for men and 4.6% for women. The highest smoking rate was 34.1% for men aged 35-45 years and 21.6% for those aged 55 years and above. 27.0%, 17.5%, 15.9% and 6.40% of them were happy when they were in leisure and social occasions. 27.3% of smokers thought that if they could quit smoking in the next 6 months, they would be able to do so. 74.9% of non-smokers mind other people smoking nearby. Conclusion It is necessary to further enhance residents’ awareness of tobacco smoke, strengthen health education on tobacco control and reduce smoking prevalence in the population.