能不能利用现成通讯线路(如长途载波电话)传输数码信号?这是近几年数据传输提出来的问题。由于传输信道有电抗元件,因而引起信道幅度和相位失真。附加一个幅度和相位均衡装置,补偿信道的这种失真,通讯线路就可用来传输数据信号。ГБДаыгоб提出的 X 型二阶相位均衡器电路[参考文献2],计算量浩大,做出的均衡器与信道连接还需要调整;这种相位均衡器电路又不能通用于多种
Can we use off-the-shelf communication lines (such as long-distance carrier phone) to transmit digital signals? This is the data transmission in recent years raised the issue. Since the transmission channel has reactance elements, it causes channel amplitude and phase distortion. An amplitude and phase equalization device is added to compensate for this distortion of the channel and the communication line can be used to transmit data signals. ГБДаыгоб proposed X-type second-order phase equalizer circuit [Reference 2], a huge amount of computation, the equalizer and channel connections made also need to be adjusted; this phase equalizer circuit can not be versatile