Let x (t) be a stationary, stochastic, random process, then the power spectral density W (f) at frequency f is the integral of time T, bandwidth B, and the integrator’s The integral constant is not ideal, so the result of a simulation device’s processing is a random variable. This paper analyzes the effect of the integrator time constant. The analysis shows that the power spectral density output by the analogue device is a biased estimation of the true power spectral density due to the existence of the RC time constant of the integrator, and the relative deviation can be less than 2% when T ≥ 4RC. Analysis shows that: RC has no effect on statistical error. However, if the integration time is too short, a relative deviation of up to 20db may result. Use a calibrated sinusoidal signal to determine if the selected integration time is appropriate. Text attached to the test record curve, which shows that the test and theoretical analysis is consistent.