安徽省颍上县在润河上规划兴建夏庄桥 ,通过桥型选择与经济比较 ,认为V型桥比其他桥型工程量少 ,造价省、且施工方便、工期短。对V型桥进行结构布置、荷载计算和受力分析后 ,从跨度的分配、支撑的张角、微弯板等方面对其设计进行了总结。
Yingshang County of Anhui Province plans to build Xiazhuang Bridge on Runhe River. By comparing the type of bridge with that of economy, it is concluded that the V-shaped bridge is less in cost, more convenient in construction and shorter in construction period than other bridge types. After the structural arrangement, the load calculation and the force analysis of the V-shaped bridge, the design of the V-shaped bridge is summarized from the aspects of the span distribution, the supporting angle and the micro-bent plate.