郭文通 ,骨科学教授 ,硕士生导师。男 ,1 937年生 ,河北宣化人 ,中共党员。 1 962年于内蒙古医学院医疗系毕业后留校任教至今。任附院骨科医师、主治医师、讲师。 1 981年受国家教育部派遣赴德国科隆大学医学院矫形外科医院深造 ,主修小儿骨科和显微外科。 1 983年回国后历任副
Guo Winton, orthopedics professor, master tutor. Male, born in 1937, Xuanhua, Hebei, member of the Communist Party of China. In 1962 in Inner Mongolia Medical College after graduation from the medical school to teach so far. Ren Affiliated Hospital Orthopedic physician, attending physician, lecturer. In 1981, he was dispatched by the Ministry of Education to the orthopedic hospital of Cologne Medical College in Germany for further studies. He was educated in pediatric orthopedics and microsurgery. After returning to China in 1983 served as deputy