今年7月下旬,白山市八道江区连降大到暴雨。全区4个街道、8个乡镇、65个村全部遭到百年不遇的特大山洪的冲击。在洪水面前,3000多名共产党员,舍身战险段,忘我救群众,谱写了一曲曲壮丽而感人的凯歌。洪水中的“堡垒” 百年不遇的特大洪水袭击了八道江区所有乡村,透过这咆哮的洪水,展现在人们面前的是各级党组织坚不可摧的一座座战斗堡垒。河口乡朝阳村党支部在洪水猛涨的关键时刻,用村广播向全村发出抢险动员令,村里男劳力全部冲上了大堤险段。各家各户积极响应村党支部号
In late July of this year, Ba Daojiang District of Baishan City even dropped to torrential rain. The entire district 4 streets, 8 townships, 65 villages were all hit by a hundred years of unprecedented flood impact. In the face of the flood, more than 3,000 Communist Party members who sacrificed their lives in risk-taking and forget themselves to save the masses compose a magnificent and touching triumphant song. Through the roaring floods, the massive floods hit by the once-in-a-century “fortress” in the floods hit all the villages in the 8 Dajiang District. This roaring flood shows what people are facing as an impregnable fortress for the party organizations at all levels. Chaoyang Township, Hekou Township Party branch at the critical moment of floods, the village radio broadcast to the village issued a rescue mobilization order, the village manpower all washed up the levee section. Various households actively respond to the village party branch number