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年轻时读席慕蓉的诗:“乡愁是一棵没有年轮的树,永不老去!”每每读到这句话,我心中涌起的不是思乡的惆怅,而是淡淡的喜悦,尤其是“永不老去”四个字,我读时总会语调上扬,眼前出现一棵永远绿意葱茏的树。如果可以,我真想做一棵没有年轮的树。一棵在天地间昂然挺立的大树,不去计算它在风雨中站了50年还是80年,也不去细数它经历了多少风云变化,因为它没有年轮,永远不会老。我很怕数大树的年轮,觉得年轮里有太多的沧桑和无奈,树把所有的 When I was a young man, I read Xi Murong’s poem: “Nostalgia is a tree without annual rings and never grow old!” Every time I read this sentence, my heart filled with rather than homesick melancholy, but a touch of joy, especially “Never old ” four words, I read when the tone of the General Assembly rose, appeared in front of a forever green lush tree. If I can, I really want to be a tree without annual rings. A tree standing proudly between heaven and earth does not count how much it has stood in the wind or rain for 50 or 80 years, nor does it go through the number of changes it has undergone because it has no annual rings and will never be old. I am afraid of the number of tree rings, that there are too many years of vicissitudes and the helplessness of the tree, the tree all
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