“声情”是汉语诗学的基本范畴 ,从基本的方法论来看 ,与“声情”相关的诗学理论 ,总体上突出了诗歌声韵形式研究的人文性。具体地说 ,其“三维”法突出了多维度性 ,“体用”法突出了功能性 ,“序列”法突出了动态性和超越性 ,“审美愉悦中介”论和“审美诠释学”研究则突出了综融性。这些方法论特点 ,为突破学术界在声韵形式研究方法上的唯技术化和工具理性化研究定势 ,提供了较好的切入点。
“Vocal love” is the basic category of Chinese poetics. From the basic methodology, the poetic theory related to “sound and emotion” generally highlights the humanistic nature of the study of poetic form of poetry. Specifically, the “three-dimensional” approach highlights multidimensionality, the “body-use” approach highlights functionality, the “sequence” approach highlights dynamics and transcendence, the “aesthetic pleasure mediation” theory and “aesthetic hermeneutics” Then highlights the meltdown. These methodological features provide a good starting point for breaking through the academia’s unique technical and instrumental rationalization research on phonology form research methods.