揭示人类生老病死奥秘 我国老年病攻关战役打响

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由解施军总医院陈香美教授担任首席科学家的“衰老机理与老年疾病防治的基础研究”,不久前正式获得国家重点基础研究发展规划(“973”)项目资助。11月10日,参与研究的数十家单位及70多名专家出席了在解放军总医院举行的项目启动大会。这标志着我国揭示人类衰老机遇及攻克老年疾病的战役全面打响。衰老和疾病既是人类健康面临的两大难题,也是生命科学研究领域备受瞩目的重大主题。因此,该课题被列入国家攻关课题,国家自然科学基金重点项目和军队攻关课题。目前,我国学者已在细胞复制性衰 The Basic Research on the Mechanism of Aging and the Prevention and Treatment of Aged Diseases by Professor Chen Hongmei, General Counsel of China Academy of Social Sciences, was recently officially funded by the National Basic Research Program of China (“973”) project. On November 10, dozens of participating units and more than 70 experts attended the project launch meeting held at PLA General Hospital. This marks the beginning of a full-scale battle of our country in revealing the opportunities for aging of mankind and tackling diseases in old age. Aging and disease are two major problems facing human health and are the major themes that have drawn much attention in the field of life sciences. Therefore, the subject has been included in the national key project, the National Natural Science Foundation of key projects and military research topics. At present, Chinese scholars have been in the cell replication decline
《大型法》是《大型图书馆图书分类法草案》的简称,是1 959年在中央文化部和教育部的领导下,集中全国的力量编制的一部解决大型综合性图书馆和专业性图书馆图书的分类法。这
肢端坏疽的病理基础之一是糖尿病引起的下肢血管病变 ,据报道血脂代谢异常是糖尿病并发血管病的一个重要因素。本组观察了以 6 5 4 2为主的综合疗法治疗糖尿病肢端坏疽的临床
OBJECTIVE: To determine if the rates of pregnancy complications, preterm birth, small for gestational age, perinatal mortality, and serious neonatal morbidity a
药物、毒物中毒病情多危重 ,特别是重症患者 ,如不积极、有效治疗 ,将有生命危险。传统的治疗如催吐、洗胃、导泻、输液及强化利尿等可挽救部分病人的生命 ,但对于就诊较晚的
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the maternal and perinatal outcome of pregnancies complicated by cardiac disease in a tertiary care center in Egy
Objective: To evaluate chlamydia-screening policies, testing practices, and the proportion testing positive in response to the new Health Plan Employer Data and