盐酸氯丙嗪有对抗腎上腺素、乙酰胆硷和組織胺的作用;有加强催眠、镇痛和麻醉药物的作用,还有抑制中樞神經、制止呕吐和影响体溫調节功能等作用。目前临床上不仅用于低溫麻醉和精神病患者的治疗,而且小兒某些疾患亦已广泛使用了。市售成品除注射剂外多为12.5、25和50毫克的糖衣片,兒童服用时很不方便。笔者参考了有关文献,制成糖漿剂,經一年来的使用和观察结果甚好,今將試制的經驗介紹如下: 处方:盐酸氯丙嗪 2.50 亞硫酸氢纳 1.00
Chlorpromazine against adrenaline, acetylcholine and histamine effect; have to strengthen the role of hypnosis, analgesia and narcotic drugs, as well as inhibit the central nervous system, to prevent vomiting and affect the function of body temperature regulation. At present, not only for the clinical treatment of hypothermia and psychiatric patients, and some diseases in children have also been widely used. In addition to commercially available finished products, except for the injection of 12.5, 25 and 50 mg of sugar-coated tablets, children taking very inconvenient. The author made reference to the relevant literature, making syrup, the use of the past year and the observation is very good, this trial experience will be introduced as follows: Prescription: chlorpromazine hydrochloride 2.50 sodium metabisulfite 1.00