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1995年底浙江省博物馆从香港征集的越王者旨於睗剑是一件稀世珍品。这柄铜剑保存完整,剑体磨砺光滑,剑刃犀利异常,剑身亮泽如新,从各个方面体现了春秋战国时期吴越地区卓绝的青铜铸造技术,是吴越地区冶铸技术水平达到高峰的一个典范。 At the end of 1995, Zhejiang Provincial Museum collected from Hong Kong for the purpose of sword is a rare treasures. The handle of the bronze sword is preserved in full, the sword body is sharpened smoothly, the blade is sharp and unusual, and the blade body is shiny like a new one. It embodies the outstanding bronze casting technology in all areas in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods and is the peak in the metallurgical technology of Wuyue region A model.