“你们IT业的会可真多,我手里经常有三寸厚的请柬,主办单位有国信办、国电办、企业信息化领导小组、科技部、计算机学会……,再加上IT厂商的,只要我愿意,天天都可以去开会,可我的信息化怎么办呢?”这位用户说出了所有用户的心里话。会灾在IT业泛滥了,早就泛滥了。打倒会灾,救救用户吧。为什么IT业会多因为IT业自认为走在社会的前列,每天都有新概念,要宣传这些概念,当然要开会。但是用户怎么办?是不是以用户为中心?会太多,把用户整晕了,再多的会也没有用。可不开会行吗?当然不行了,首先IT厂商这关就过不去,还指望多开展些巡展、活动,多卖些产品呢,哪能不开会。会议经济产生 IT业开了这么多会,数字经济还没见怎么呈现,会议经济倒产生了。瞧瞧,大酒店不早预订还不行,越高档的酒店,越要早订,恨不得3个月、半年之前就得订下来,否则丢脸去吧!一时间,产品、厂商的档次由酒店的星级来决定。
“You IT industry will be many, I often have three-inch thick hand invitations, the organizers have Guoxin Office, Guodian Office, Enterprise Information Leading Group, Ministry of Science and Technology, Computer Society ... ..., together with IT vendors, As long as I want, every day can go to a meeting, but my information how to do it? ”The user uttered the words of all users. The disaster spread in the IT industry, has long flooded. Down will disaster, save the user. Why the IT industry will be more because the IT industry thinks that walking in the forefront of society, every day a new concept, to promote these concepts, of course, have a meeting. But what about the user? Is it user-centric? Too much, stun the user, and no more. Of course not work? Of course die, first of all, this off by the IT vendors, but also look forward to more touring exhibitions, activities, sell more products, which can not meet. Meeting economy has IT industry opened so many clubs, the digital economy has not yet seen how presented, conference economy came into being. Look, the hotel does not book sooner or later, the more upscale hotel, the more to the early set, wait for 3 months, six months before you have to set down, or shame to go! For a time, products, manufacturers grade by the hotel star Level to decide.