
来源 :上海企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q1104
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上海市企协于今年5月份开展了企业管理现代化征文活动,到6月份末止共收到了论文196篇,经过评选小组评定,3篇论文获得一等奖,31篇论文获得二等奖。本刊现将荣获一等奖的3篇论文摘要予以发表。我们希望通过这一活动,进一步促使广大读者撰写管理论著,积极参加上海市企协每年一度的优秀管理论著奖评选活动。本刊将络续选择其中部分先予发表。来稿请注明“管理论著评选”字样,凡希望在本刊发表者,字数应压缩在3,500字左右,并要求有独到见解,建议精辟、实用。 In May of this year, the Shanghai Enterprise Association launched an enterprise management modernization essay. By the end of June, it received a total of 196 papers. After evaluation panel evaluation, three papers won first prize and 31 papers won second prize. The journal now publishes a summary of three papers that won the first prize. We hope that through this activity, we will further urge readers to write management themes and actively participate in the annual election awards for outstanding management scholars of the Shanghai Enterprise Association. This publication will continue to select some of these publications first. For the manuscript, please state the words “Management Book Selection,” and if you wish to publish in this journal, the number of characters should be reduced to about 3,500 words, and you should have unique insights and suggestions that are incisive and practical.
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According to data released at China Interna-tional Aluminum Seminar 2003,the total de-mand for aluminum of China’s automobile in-dustry will reach 1.4 million