洁柔品位,有您更美洁柔纸巾呵护您和孩子的娇嫩肌肤,让孩子释放无限童真!在这个充满童真的日子里,让我们带上洁柔纸巾一起去世界各地体会不同的特色儿童节,过一个不一样的节日吧!日本日本是世界上庆祝儿童节次数最多的国家,他们一年要庆祝三次儿童节,分别是3月3日的女孩节、5月5日的男孩节以及1 1月15日的“七五三”儿童节。而且庆祝方式十分有意思,充满了浓浓的日本风情。
Clean and soft taste, you have a more beautiful and soft paper towel to care for you and your child’s delicate skin, let the child release infinite innocence! In this childhood full of innocence, let’s bring clean soft tissue together to experience the different characteristics of the world Children’s Day , A different festival! Japan Japan is the world’s largest celebration of children’s day countries, they celebrate three times a year Children’s Day, respectively, on March 3 Girls Day, May 5 boys day and 1 January 15 of the “seven five three” Children’s Day. And way of celebration is very interesting, full of thick Japanese style.