海顿是德国人,生于1732年,死于1809年,享年77岁。他一生献身音乐,他曾说过:“我虽是坐在满是虫蛀的钢琴前,也从未羡慕过王侯。” 海顿出身贫寒,父亲是车轮匠,母亲当过厨娘。由于生活贫穷,他一直未能一心投入到热爱的音乐事业中。早年曾为生计流浪于街头,到处卖艺,几乎挣扎在饥寒交迫之中。直到29岁之后生活才平稳下来。海顿的音乐创作汇集了18世纪音乐发展的主要特点,堪称巴赫之后第一位伟大的器乐作曲家。18世纪90年代,他两次去伦敦,为英国人写下了12部交响曲——著名的12首伦敦交响曲,获牛津大学音乐博士称号,赢得极大荣誉,从此名震全球。
Haydn, a German, was born in 1732 and died in 1809 at the age of 77. He devoted his life to music, and he said: “Although I was sitting in front of a piano full of moth-eaten, I never envied princely queen.” Haydn was born poor, his father was a wheelmaker, and his mother was a cook. Because of his poverty, he has been unable to devote his entire life to music. In his early years, he had strayed livelihoods in the streets and went on to sell his art everywhere, struggling with hunger and cold. Life did not stabilize until age 29. Haydn’s musical composition brings together the main features of music development in the 18th century, the first great instrumental composer after Bach. In the 1890s, he twice went to London and wrote 12 symphonies for the British - the famous 12 London Symphony won the honor of Doctor of Music of Oxford University.