记:您怎样看待动漫作品? 林:我作油画出身,原本对动漫也不屑一顾,后来担任文化管理部门领导,才逐渐接触到不少动漫作者乃至上海连环画协会等一些民间艺术组织。其实各种艺术,都有其市场和审美价值。生活原本是丰富多彩的,允许多样化,没必要“言必称希腊”。动漫在世界范围内不仅有休闲、娱乐和市场价值,它是一种复合型的艺术载体,需要以艺术鉴赏的眼光来欣赏而不是偏激地予以否定。记:社会现在对动漫的流行有不同的看法,甚至针锋相对。您对此怎样看?
Note: What do you think of animation works? Lin: I made oil painting origin, originally disdain for animation, and later served as the cultural management department leaders, and gradually come into contact with many cartoonists and even Shanghai Comic Society and some folk art organizations. In fact, all kinds of art, have their market and aesthetic value. Life was originally rich and colorful, allowing diversification, no need to “be sure to call Greece.” Animation in the world not only leisure, entertainment and market value, it is a complex art carrier, you need to appreciate the art of appreciation rather than radical to be denied. Note: The community now has a different view of the popularity of animation, and even tit-for-tat. How do you see this?