After years of geological investigations, hundreds of serpentinite bodies have been discovered in Xinyi, East China Sea and Ganyu areas of northern Jiangsu. Their origins have been considered as ultrabasic intrusions for many years. In recent years, the author has had the opportunity to conduct A short field investigation, and the more famous Xugou rock system collected samples. After field observation and rock identification, it was found that the top of Peridotite is closely interbedded with a set of Pleistocene, and then uplifted with the amphibolite-amphibolite and quartz-bearing prunella, Closely related to the rock formation. In the serpentinite at the top of the serpentinite body, a clearer hyenarchaeous structure was found, thus confirming that it is a volcanic eruption of the ultra-mafic rock-komatiite. Its upper part has a more complete small corner of a bit of porphyry (probably