
来源 :滨州医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huoshengxin
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用105例前臂标本,对旋前方肌的动脉和神经进行了观测。旋前方肌的血液来源于骨间前动脉终末段,以及桡动脉和尺动脉的旋前方肌支。前者是营养该肌的主要血管,恒定出现,平均口轻成人为1.55±0.05mm,儿童为1.01±0.04mm。神经支配来源于骨间前神经的终末段。该神经与同名动脉伴行,在肌上缘处,多数(86.67±3.32%)位于动脉的桡侧,在下行中逐渐移至动脉的前面。该段平均宽度:成人1.20±0.04mm;儿童0.86±0.03mm。平均厚度:成人为0.54±0.02mm;儿童为0.39±0.02mm。骨间前动脉和神经的终末段皆在旋前方肌的中部深面分为浅、深两支。浅支穿深层肌纤维,走行于浅深两肌层之间,主要分布于浅层肌。深支下行于深层肌的深面,主要分布于深层肌的下部。对部分项目还进行了年龄组、侧别及性别的比较。 Using 105 forearm specimens, the arteries and nerves of the anterior pronator muscle were observed. The pronation muscle blood comes from the terminal segment of the anterior interosseous artery, and the anterior pronator musculocutaneous of the radial artery and ulnar artery. The former is the main vessel that nourishes the muscle, which is constant, with an average of 1.55 ± 0.05 mm in adults and 1.01 ± 0.04 mm in children. The innervation is derived from the terminal segment of the anterior interosseous nerve. The nerves were associated with the artery of the same name. At the muscular margin, the majority (86.67 ± 3.32%) were located on the radial side of the artery and gradually moved to the front of the artery in the descending direction. The average width of the section: 1.20 ± 0.04mm for adults and 0.86 ± 0.03mm for children. Average thickness: 0.54 ± 0.02 mm for adults and 0.39 ± 0.02 mm for children. Anterior interosseous artery and nerve terminal segments are in the pronation of the middle of the deep surface is divided into shallow, deep two. Shallow branches through the deep muscle fibers, walking in the deep between the two muscular layers, mainly in the superficial muscle. Deep branch down deep in the deep muscles, mainly in the lower part of the deep muscle. Some of the projects also carried out age groups, sidelines and gender comparisons.
我们时常想,如果对方能够改变,我的日子就会好过点。  先别说对方,你能够改变自己吗?  你可以从今天开始放弃一样自己最喜欢的食物吗?  你可以改掉一种习惯吗?  你可以学习不再埋怨吗?  你可以从今天起不再发怒吗?  你能够不再自以为是吗?  你能够减少一点虚伪吗?  你可以每天早起一小时吗?  连改变自己都那么困难,你凭什么认为别人可以改变?  我们总是埋怨,如果他不是这样,我就不会这样,如果他
本文在显微镜下(放大10倍)解部观察了正中神经腕管段及返支的血供。其来源是掌浅弓、桡动脉、尺动脉、桡动脉掌浅支的分支。并讨论有关的临床意义。 In this paper, under t