胡筱潇推介词Recommendation on Hu Xiaoxiao’s Works推介人:倪昆Recommender:Ni Kun当我们将艺术作品自身作为被观看的对象进行审视时,构成其作品语言内部核心的审美性,与其表述相关联的语意,以及构成语言表达基础的来自外部现实的材料属性,将共同构成作品的客观实在。这里头存在一个序列问题,不过在当前以强调“语言-表达”为核心表达系统的环境中,序列的存在被选择性过滤,进而沦为表达的注解。
Recommend: Ni Kun Recommender: Ni Kun When we examine the work of art as the object of observation, the aesthetic quality of the inner core of the work language and the semantic meaning associated with its expression , As well as the material properties from external reality that form the basis of language expression, will jointly constitute the objective reality of the work. There is a sequence problem here, but in the current environment of emphasizing “language - expression” as the core expression system, the existence of the sequence is selectively filtered, and then reduced to the expression of annotation.