甲状腺结节(thyroid nodule,TN)是内分泌系统的常见病和多发病。因其具有良、恶性之分,治疗方案及预后有显著不同。但恶性结节在临床上多缺乏特征性表现,同时常规的检查手段在良、恶性鉴别方面的表现并不理想。细针穿刺检查(fine-needle aspiration,FNA)通过获取甲状腺可疑结节的少量组织进行细胞学诊断,可有效提高良、恶性质鉴别的准确度,为临床提供重要的诊断依据。本文就近年来细针穿刺相关技术及与分子生物学检查的联合在甲状腺结节诊断方面的进展进行综述。
Thyroid nodules (thyroid nodules, TN) is a common disease and frequently-occurring disease of the endocrine system. Because of its benign, malignant points, treatment programs and prognosis are significantly different. However, malignant nodules in the clinical lack of more than the typical performance, while the conventional means of examination in benign and malignant differentiated performance is not satisfactory. Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is a cytologic diagnosis of small amount of thyroid suspicious nodules, which can effectively improve the accuracy of malignant and benign nodules and provide an important diagnostic basis for clinical diagnosis. This review summarizes recent advances in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules based on the combination of fine-needle aspiration technique and molecular biology.