暑热之际,摘一片薄荷叶,揉碎一闻,浓郁的清凉香气,使人豁然舒畅;或采几片薄荷叶,洗净,用开水冲饮,满口清凉,沁人心脾。若将两片薄荷叶,贴两太阳穴,会有头清目爽的感觉。 薄荷的茎枝和叶,特别是叶,含有多量的挥发性薄荷油,主要成分是薄荷醇和薄荷酮。薄荷油是淡黄色的油状液体,芳香而清凉。 薄荷广布于地球北温带,我国各地都有生长。薄荷原是一种野生植物,早在二千多年前,先人就已知采集供药用,后来,需要量增加,供不应求,就大量栽培。 宋代诗人陆游,作《题画薄荷扇》吟道:
On the occasion of the hot summer, pick a piece of mint leaf, knead and crush it, rich and refreshing aroma, make people suddenly comfortable; or take a few mint leaves, wash, rinse with boiling water, cool and refreshing, refreshing. If you put two mint leaves and stick two temples, you will feel refreshed. The stems and leaves of mint, especially the leaves, contain a large amount of volatile peppermint oil, the main ingredients of which are menthol and menthone. Peppermint oil is a light yellow oily liquid that is aromatic and cool. Mint is widely distributed in the north temperate zone of the earth and grows throughout China. Mint is a kind of wild plant. As early as 2,000 years ago, ancestors were known to collect medicinal herbs. Later, the demand increased, and the supply was in short supply. Song Lu, a poet of the Song Dynasty, wrote “Mint Fan”.