我国自古有“上有天堂,下有苏杭”的说法来形容江南美景。的确,苏州确是个人杰地灵的地方,今天的苏州更是古典与现代并存,不但有巧夺天工的园林、香醇可口的碧螺春茶、做工精细的紫砂壶,更有经过20道工序才出厂的 APC UPS 产品。在古老的苏州城和水乡周庄,记者看到很多卖紫砂壶、刺绣装饰品的小店,每到一个小店,就会看到店主在恬静地工作着,好象根本就没感觉你的存在。他们分明在把整个产品制作的流程展现在顾客面前,而这恰巧是他们的精明所在。象是在宣称只有自己的产品才是经得起考验的,而且生产的过程中不存在任何“猫腻”。特别是在一个做鼻烟壶的小店里,店主承诺我们,如果不喜欢这些现成的,可以自己选择图画或字体,完了还额外送一个名字,这就是“定制”的概念了吧?
China has always described the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River as saying “There is heaven on it and Suzhou and Hangzhou are under it.” Indeed, Suzhou is indeed a place of outstanding personalities. Today’s Suzhou is coexisting both classical and modern. There are not only wonderful gardens, delicious Biluochun tea, fine crafted teapots, but also APC UPS products that have been manufactured through 20 processes. In the ancient Suzhou City and Zhouzhuang Water Village, the reporter saw many small shops selling teapots and embroidery ornaments. Every time one shop arrives, you will see the owner working quietly, as if you did not feel your presence at all. . They are clearly showing the entire product production process in front of customers, and this happens to be their savvy. It is like claiming that only one’s own product can stand the test, and there is no “dirty” in the production process. Especially in a small snuff bottle shop, the owner promised us that if you don’t like these ready-made ones, you can choose your own picture or typeface, and you’ll end up with an additional name. This is the concept of “customization”?