尽管在IT产业中,有些亚洲国家已处于世界领先地位,但并非每一个人都能从这种领先中受益。 ——达蒙.布里斯托 目前,东亚的发达国家已经渐渐摆脱了1997年亚洲经济金融危机对亚洲经济的影响,但是他们很快又意识到了另一个新问题。那就是本地区内,掌握电信科技的国家和那些尚未掌握该技术的国家之间,电信方面的差距日益扩大了。这种差异通常被称为“数字分歧”。两年前,“数字差异”还是一个不怎么被重视的问题,但今天,它已受到了亚洲发达国家的关注。去
Although some Asian countries have taken the lead in the IT industry, not everyone can benefit from this lead. - Damon Bristol At present, the developed countries in East Asia have gradually shaken off the effects of the Asian economic and financial crisis in 1997 on the Asian economy, but they soon realized another new problem. That is, in the local area, the gap between the countries that have mastered telecommunication technology and those who have not yet mastered the technology has widened. This difference is often referred to as “digital disagreement.” Two years ago, the “digital difference” was still a problem that was not taken seriously. Today, however, it has received attention from Asian developed countries. go with