
来源 :西南石油学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cgz1987
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接触问题是工程结构、加工工艺中经常面临的重要问题之一。石油工业中钻铤螺纹联接、钻柱与井壁的/接触、钻头与岩石的接触等;铁路工业中桥梁与混凝土基础的准静态接触,火车车轮与轨道的滚动接触等都是接触问题的典型例子。而接触问题中最难最关键的问题就是建立其变分泛函和求解的方法。介绍和总结了近年来关于接触力学中变分原理发表的有关文献和使用的理论和方法,并对这些理论和方法进行了分析和比较。为建立适合于石油钻铤螺纹联接的接触变分原理奠定了基础。 Contact problem is one of the most important problems often encountered in engineering structure and processing technology. Drill collar and shaft wall / contact, bit and rock contact in the oil industry; quasi-static contact between the bridge and the concrete foundation in the railway industry, rolling contact of the train wheel and the rail are typical contact problems example. The toughest and most crucial problem in the contact problem is to establish the variational functional and the solution. This paper introduces and summarizes the theories and methods about the literature and the usage of variational principle published in recent years, and analyzes and compares these theories and methods. Which lays the foundation for establishing the contact variation principle suitable for the threaded connection of the oil drill collar.
<正> 腹诊是观察腹肌的紧张和松弛状态,以此作为内脏在体表反射的具体表现,进行综合以评价全身的病情,决定用药的一种诊法。腹诊法:患者仰卧位,下肢伸直,上肢并于两侧,全身放