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在宜昌市年初的新建企业工会组建工作协调会议上,点军区总工会常务副主席张建国第一个表态:“我保证按时、高标准地完成年度新建企业工会组建工作任务。”回到区里,他又代表区总工会向区委立下军令状:“全年任务,半年完成。”知易行难。点军区是一个以农业经济为主的山区行政区,新建企业规模小、点多、线长,分散在“两乡一办”(点军乡、联棚乡和朱市街办事处)各个行政村。在这样的地区抓组建率,难度可想而知。于是有人劝他说,你都50多岁的人啦,工作不要太认真,过得去就行了。可他却说:“区委、区政府这么重视新建企业工会组建工作,我们如果不努力,对得起区委、区政府吗?如果因为工作不到位,让一些职工仍游离在工会组织之外,就是工会干部最大的失职。”为建立健全新建企业工会组织网络体系,尽快把全区广大职工和从事个体工商经营的农民、移民、外来工组织到工会中来,他自我加压,春节一上 At the coordination meeting of the newly established enterprise trade union at the beginning of Yichang City, Zhang Jianguo, the executive vice chairman of the General Trade Unions Federation of Trade Unions in the military, first stated his position: “I promise to complete the task of setting up an annual new-founded enterprise trade union on time and with a high standard. ” In his behalf, he also represented the district Federation of Trade Unions to the district party committee ordered the military order: “all year mission, six months to complete. The military region is a mountainous administrative region dominated by agricultural economy. Newly built enterprises are small-scale, multi-point and long in length and scattered in the administrative departments of ”Two Townships and One Province“ village. In such areas to grasp the formation rate, the degree of difficulty can be imagined. So someone persuaded him that you are more than 50-year-old friends, work not too serious, decent go. However, he said: ”If the district government and the district government attach so much importance to the formation of trade unions in newly established enterprises, if we do not work hard to win the support of the district commissions and district governments, if some workers are still left outside the trade union organizations because of the lack of work, The biggest dereliction of duty among trade union cadres. “” In order to establish and perfect the network system for trade union organizations in new enterprises and organize as soon as possible the entire area of ​​workers and peasants, immigrants and migrant workers engaged in individual business operations into the trade unions,
《口腔医学研究》(原名口腔医学纵横)为武汉大学口腔医学院主办、国内外公开发行的口腔医学专业学术期刊。是科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国 “Stomatological Research
很明显,本期要定义的是一个针对男性的评价指数。关于这一点,在实际生活中,大家比较常用的表达方式其实就一个字:娘。  如果要严格地站在中间立场来看,娘娘腔其实应该算个中性词,它就是一个客观描述,表示某男性表现出一些带有女性气质的特征,可能是声音、神态、动作,也可能是他的某种行为模式。尤其在被省略为“娘”以后,已经不特指人的腔调,范围变得更宽松了,泛指一切偏女性特点的喜好、习惯、选择、趣味。  需要说
Her objective is to speak about public private partnerships in the USA. In Germany there is a growing interest to initialise and to improvepublic private co --
一 中亚五国当前的经济形势及特点中亚五国经济自 1 991年独立以来可基本分为两个阶段 ,在经历了第一阶段 ( 1 991— 1 995年 )连续 5年严重衰退滑坡后 ,在第二阶段 ,自1 99
父母插手孩子交友,  交友呈功利化倾向  11岁的舟舟是江苏省无锡市某小学的一名小学生,最近他对妈妈的管制特别烦。原来,他刚交了一个叫晓童的朋友,跟他住一个小区,与他同龄,两人在小区广场上玩的时候偶遇并“一见如故”,之后便经常相约一起玩。可妈妈得知后,对晓童的情况一番打探,发现晓童学习成绩不太好,便强令舟舟与晓童断交,还喋喋不休地告诫舟舟:“要跟学习成绩好的孩子玩,这样才能学习别人的优点。”  舟
0. 引言本国际标准是规定工业用阀门压力试验的基本要求,这些规定是为了能保证采用统一的试验内容和试验方法。一般说来,为了适应特殊阀类标准的需要,本标准还必须同时考虑
采用一种实用的评价油管腐蚀状况的挂片装置,通过扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪对腐蚀产物分析,结合仿真模拟试验,研究了LN2-3井油管的腐蚀现状.结果表明,LN2-3井油管的腐蚀属于中度腐蚀 Using a pr