书名:《羊皮卷》 作者:奥格·曼狄诺[美] 价格:38元 世界每天都在发生着变化,但是,做人处事的原则却是亘古不变的。太多的人都在忙于改善自己在物质社会中的地位,拼命地去占有一切,孰不知,生命是有规律的,只有遵循了一定的原则去生活才能获得成功,才能实现你的目标,从而改变自己的一生。 《羊皮卷》所辑录的11本书的作者都是近200年来美国各个行业中的成功人士,他们根据自己的经历,循循善诱地向世人告知成功的秘密以及由之所带来的幸福生活的意义。 本期我们撷取了《羊皮卷》第一卷——《今天,我开始新的生活》,期望它所蕴涵的人生哲理、成功法则能激励您的斗志,从而迈向成功。
Title: “scrolls” Author: Og Mandino [US] price: 38 yuan in the world is changing every day, however, the principle of doing things in life is everlasting. Too many people are busy improving their position in the material society, desperately trying to possess everything, knowing everything, life is regular, and only by following certain principles can life succeed in order to achieve your goal. Change your life. The 11 books in “The Scrolls” are written by successful people from all walks of life in the United States in the past 200 years. Based on their experiences, they tell the world the secrets of success and the meaning of a happy life based on their experiences . In this issue, we capture the first volume of “Sheepskin Volume” - “Today I Start a New Life”, expecting the philosophy of life it implies, and the Law of Success can motivate your fighting spirit to succeed.