问:我是一个荷花迷,贵刊每年七期都刊载有关荷花的文章,今年能否介绍一下荷花的品种? 北京:王文滔答:我国栽培的荷花,大体可分为食用莲、观赏莲两大类。观赏莲又分为单瓣型、复瓣型、重瓣型、重台型等四种类型。其中观赏价值高的名贵品种有一梗三花的品字莲,一梗四花、两两相对的四喜莲,花上有花、红绿相映的红台莲等。食用莲的品种有:粉川莲、大白莲、东湖红莲等。观赏莲的品种就比较多了,有:
Q: I am a lotus fan. There are seven articles about lotus in your magazine every year. Can you introduce the varieties of lotus flowers this year? Beijing: Wang Wentao A: Lotus cultivated in our country can be divided into edible lotus and ornamental lotus class. Ornamental lotus is divided into single-valve type, double valve type, double valve type, heavy type and other four types. Among them, the valuable ornamental value varieties include the stem of a flower of three stems, the stem of four stems, the four-leaf-stem of opposite ends of flowers, the flowers of red stems, and the red and green leaves. Lotus varieties are: Chuanxian lotus, white lotus, East Lake Honglian and so on. Ornamental variety of lotus is more, there are: