In 1985, Zabara and other experimental animal models found that stimulation of the vagus nerve can stop or reduce the seizures in 1990, Reid and other electrodes will be implanted in the patient’s neck stimulation of the vagus nerve stimulation of the effective treatment of epilepsy, especially for refractory complex Partial epilepsy, provides a new and effective treatment. First, the vagus nerve stimulation for the treatment of epilepsy based on the first 10 pairs of brain nerve that vagus nerve fibers include the body, general and special visceral and afferent fibers. They consist of three different types of nerve fibers, A, B, and C fibers. A fibers and B fibers are myelinated fibers, the former larger diameter, smaller after, C fibers without myelination, accounting for most of the vagus nerve, the conduction velocity is slower to 1 m / s. Most of the central branch of the vagus nerve projection to the solitary nucleus, partially projected into the medulla oblongata