【摘 要】
lf you sought a job four years ago in Chi-na, you must remember that advertise-ment (even if you were not looking fora iob at that time. you might rememberit because there were too many of them). Thea
lf you sought a job four years ago in Chi-na, you must remember that advertise-ment (even if you were not looking fora iob at that time. you might rememberit because there were too many of them). Theadverttisement show asuperman flying in the cityand always hitting the wall.Then a voice rings: "Hit-ting the wall (in Chinesehitting the wall means hav-ing trouble) in finding ajob? Come to ChinaHR".
Ji Zenghe, board chairman of The Palace, and husband of Taiwanese actress Meng Guangmei, was sued by his former wife Ms. Zhang, who claimed half of his assets. The trial began on September 11 but both
It's said again and again: "It's not what youknow, it's who you know".
The US quantitative easing policy hasput on the fourth show; the Japa-nese central bank - Bank of Japan- embarked on further quantitativeeasing; and the European central bank contin-ued its limited bo
Have you ever heard of York AirConditioner? If you are not anAmerican or close to Americanair conditioner industry, theanswer you gave might be "no". Even if it hasspent two years in establishing and
As has been widely reported, foreigndirect investment (FDI) in Chinafell 3.7 percent in 2012. This wasthe first annual FDI drop in threeyears and there has been plenty of speculationabout whether fore
Actuall5 Wrigle5 which was ac-quired by Mars, was the first foreigncandy brand to dabble in the rural mar-ket of China. Presentl5 Wriglev whichhas dozens of products in the world,has only Doublemint,
The Chinese central government hasbeen studying the urbanization forlong, and the coming new governmentre-positioned the role of urbaniza-tion by giving it unprecedented importance. Thisis considered
The Chinese Spring Festival in the Year of Snake,which brought Chinese people a 7-day holiday,saw the drastic rise of consumption, as a lot ofretailers have expected.
Arecent deal marked the new age forthe cooperation between Chinesedomestic automakers and foreignauto companies. On February 1(German time), China-based Beijing Automo-tive Group (BAIC Group) and Germ
Volvo was quite displeased in 2012. In the past year, China's luxuryauto market increased by 30%, butVolvo s market share in this coun-try dropped 11%.