Most of the literature on the impact of climate change on hydrological processes is often underemphasized for the significant uncertainties that exist in atmospheric models, and in many important areas, the long-term forecasts generated by GCM are seldom used in future water resource planning and Management because its results can not accurately characterize trends, that is, lack of confidence in predictions of increases or decreases in hydrological variables A runoff with the help of 14 GCM models and different development scenarios, including baseline scenarios This is validated by a predictive ensemble analysis study.GCM’s output scenario is used as an input to the water balance model This method is used for the prediction of future hydrological changes in the upper Danube.If this predictive scenario is used to predict the economic costs of hydrological changes due to climate change , Greater uncertainty will arise in the mathematical models of economics, and the famous Stern “climate change economics ” commentary is widely used in the field of water resources management. There are many views on Stern’s comment in the economics literature Controversy, many experts put forward some questions on the use of methods and conclusions, the examples of this paper also proved this point.Therefore, Scholars line of climate change on hydrology and water resources impact assessment should be aware not only of great uncertainty in GCM, the atmospheric - hydrological - economic model of the coupling process may lead to greater uncertainty.