如果把位居汉江要塞的丹江口水利枢纽比作汉江的防洪大门,那么,丹江口水利枢纽管理局水工厂就是这座大门的哨兵、守卫者。 丹江局水工厂主要承担枢纽工程防洪、通航两大任务,我们是如何把好防洪大门的呢? 防洪是丹江口水利枢纽的首要任务。枢纽自1967年11月18日下闸蓄水以来,共拦蓄大于每秒1万立方米的洪水63次,开启闸门1062次,防洪总经济效益242.69
If the Hanjiang River Fortress located in the Danjiangkou water conservancy hub compared to the Hanjiang flood control gates, then, Danjiangkou Water Works Authority hydraulic plant is the gate of the sentry, guardian. Danjiang Bureau of Water Works mainly undertakes pivot flood control, navigation two major tasks, how do we do a good flood control gate? Flood control is Danjiangkou hydro-first priority task. Since the gate opened water storage on November 18, 1967, a total of 63 floods of more than 10,000 cubic meters per second have been stopped and flood gates opened for 1062 times, bringing the total economic benefits of flood control 242.69