玉器,温润。石材,刚烈。而骨瓷,一时想不到更恰当的描述,但见到新野裕史先生的那一刻,他谦和地与我们介绍NARUMI一件件足以骄傲的作品时,我似乎看到了骨瓷的灵魂——内敛的爱。他用细腻的眼神扫过眼前的骨瓷餐盘,最终停留在Milano系列上,看的出来他是真的喜欢这些精致剔透的物件儿,“骨瓷(BONE CHINA),也叫骨灰瓷,是以动物的骨炭、粘土、长石和石英为基本原料,经过高温素烧和低温釉烧两次烧制而成的一种瓷器。其薄如纸、透如镜、声如磬、自如玉,兼有使用和艺术的双重价值,号称‘瓷器之王’。”若追溯骨瓷,还需从陶瓷开始。“最早,中国的瓷器传入欧洲后很受欢迎。于是,英国人便想自制陶瓷,但是在他们的国家和地区找不到能够做陶瓷的主要原材料高岭土。于是,他们开始想办法寻找可以代替高岭的
Jade, warm. Stone, hard. The bone china couldn’t think of a more appropriate description at the moment, but when we saw Mr. Hiroshi Newo’s moment, when he modestly introduced us with NARUMI’s proud pieces, I seemed to see the soul of bone china—introverted love. . He used his delicate eyes to scan the bone plates in front of the eyes and finally stayed on the Milano series. He really liked these delicate objects, “Bone China,” also known as the ashes. It is a kind of porcelain made of animal charcoal, clay, feldspar and quartz as the basic raw materials, which is burnt at high temperature and fired at low temperature for two times, and is thin like paper, transparent like a mirror, sound like a cymbal, and jade. Both the dual value of use and art, known as the ”king of porcelain.“ ”If you trace back bone china, you need to start from the ceramic. "Early, Chinese porcelain was popular after it was introduced to Europe. So, the British wanted to make ceramics themselves, but they couldn’t find kaolin, the main raw material for ceramics, in their countries and regions. So they started looking for ways to find Instead of Kaolin