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祖父那双永远老旧的圆头布鞋,在我的记忆中却依然清晰逼真,这真是一个奇怪的现象。 祖父领着一家劳力去犁地、播种,走到地头上,他首先把鞋脱下,搁地坎盖塄。这个举动并非人为的在镜头前作秀,他是不假思索的,习惯而成自然的。父亲、叔父也像祖父那样,脱下鞋搁地盖塄上。因为犁头翻开的犁沟,酥软湿涩,走不几步圆口鞋的鞋窝里就钻满了土。或许他认为,鞋子总是比人歇缓的时间长些才对。家里人跟着祖父去杀麦子倒糜子,走到地头,祖父竟然又把鞋脱了。这个举动的确使我膛目结舌!故乡农民使的麦镰是本架薄刃那种款式,镰刃贴着地皮往前切割,留在地表的麦茬、糜茬整卉而尖锐,像是栽了一地的密密麻麻的细竹签,“滚钉板”、“钉竹签”都是中国古代的酷刑是吧? It is a strange phenomenon that grandfather’s always old round headdress is still vivid and vivid in my memory. Grandfather led a labor to plow the land, sowing, went to the ground, he first took off the shoes, shelved Ka cover 塄. This move is not artificial in front of the camera to show, he is without hesitation, habit and natural. Father, uncle, like his grandfather, take off his shoes and cover up. Because plowshare furrow open, soft and astringent, take a few steps round the shoes in the hole to drill full of soil. Perhaps he believes that the shoes are always longer than the rest of the people fishes. Family members follow the grandfather to kill the wheat down millet, went to the ground, my grandfather took the shoe off again. This move really makes me indulge! Hometown farmers make the wheat sickle is the frame of the thin blade that style, sickle blade close to the ground cutting forward, leaving the surface of the stubble, miserable whole plant and sharp, like planting a dense dense thin bamboo sign, “ Rolling board ”,“ nail sticks ”are all ancient torture in China, right?