A New Approach to Urban Rainwater Management

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kick_78
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Based on an analysis of our research results and the main problems relating to urban rainwater treatment, we propose a new approach to urban rainwater management in China. The necessity and feasibility of such a new approach are discussed. From an ecological point of view all components of the global system, including residents living in cities, have the same right to enjoy rainwater. Therefore, urban rainwater should neither be simply drained as waste water, nor be completely harvested as a kind of resource. The objective of this new approach is to maintain the natural hydrological cycle in urban areas during urbanization. When necessary, it could also be used to regulate the amount of runoff, evaporation and infiltration in a city in order to rehabilitate the hydrological cycle given the local conditions. Three basic principles should be adopted in rainwater management, i.e., separation of rainfall from sewage, limited utilization and small and decentralized facilities. Four methods can be used for urban rainwater management: rainwater harvest, rainwater infiltration, rainwater storage and rainwater pipes. The natural hydrological cycle in urban areas could be rehabilitated through rainwater management, which is of great importance for sustainable development of our cities. Based on an analysis of our research results and the main problems relating to urban rainwater treatment, we propose a new approach to urban rainwater management in China. The necessity and feasibility of such a new approach are discussed. From an ecological point of view all components of the global system, including residents living in cities, have the same right to enjoy rainwater. Therefore, urban rainwater should neither be simply drained as waste water, nor be completely completely harvested as a kind of resource. The objective of this new approach is to maintain the natural hydrological cycle in urban areas during urbanization. When necessary, it could also be used to regulate the amount of runoff, evaporation and infiltration in a city in order to rehabilitate the hydrological cycle given the local conditions. in rainwater management, ie, separation of rainfall from sewage, limited utilization and small and decentralized facilities. Four methods can be used for urban rainwater management: rainwater harvest, rainwater infiltration, rainwater storage and rainwater pipes. The natural hydrological cycle in urban areas could be rehabilitated through rainwater management, which is of great importance for sustainable development of our cities.
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