1、越冬甜椒的栽培 选用高产、抗病早熟的优良品种,如早丰 1号、苏椒 5号等。 10月下旬采用铺设地膜和搭小拱棚育苗。播种育苗前浸种催芽,选择 2~ 3年内没种过茄果类蔬菜的地块作苗床,施足优质基肥,浇透底水,待 50%以上种子露白后播种,每米 27~ 8克,再覆盖 0.5~ 1?
1, winter sweet pepper cultivation selection of high yield, disease-resistant precocious varieties, such as early Feng 1, 5 and so on pepper. In late October the laying of plastic film and take small Shed nursery. Seeding seedling soaking before germination, choose 2 to 3 years did not grow solanaceous vegetables plots for seedbed, apply sufficient quality base fertilizer, pour through the bottom of water, until more than 50% of seed dew after sowing, 27-8 grams per meter, and then Cover 0.5 ~ 1?