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大新县农资公司从横县农资公司购进55.82吨劣质失效甲六粉,损害农民利益的事件在1987年4月15日《广西日报》头版显著位置作了报道并加上“编者按”进行了批评后,引起了各级领导的关注和重视,自治区农牧渔业厅派出由广西植保总站站长、高级农艺师孙鼐昌、广西农药检定室主任徐小坚、广西植保总站农艺师梁礼彰、南宁地区植保站付站长、农艺师农民禄、广西电视台 Daxin County Agricultural Materials Co., Ltd. purchased 55.82 tons of inferior A-6 powder from Hengxian Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. and damaged the interests of peasants. It was reported on the front page of Guangxi Daily on April 15, 1987, and the editors According to the “criticism”, aroused the attention and attention of leaders at all levels. Autonomous Region Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries sent by the Guangxi plant protection chief station, senior agronomist Sun Changchang, director of Guangxi Pesticide Laboratory Xu Xiajian, Guangxi Plant Protection Station agronomist Liang Li Zhang , Plant Protection Station in Nanning pay the stationmaster, agronomist peasant Lu, Guangxi TV station
为期两天的欧盟峰会6月29日于布鲁塞尔落下帷幕。在本次峰会中,意大利、西班牙、爱尔兰等债务国成为赢家,各国最终达成为缓解欧债危机而努力的三大成果:一、欧洲稳定机制(ESM)将可直接向银行注资;二、稳定机制可通过购买重债国国债来压低其融资成本;三、推出1200亿欧元的一揽子经济刺激计划。  对于历来主张债务国以财政紧缩和结构性改革应对危机的德国来说,本次峰会可谓做了最大的让步,德国总理默克尔甚至取消