
来源 :茶博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouweijmu
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临沧·茶之源横断山云雾茫茫,澜沧江水汤汤,北回归线的太阳,照耀着绿宝石生长的地方。伟大的澜沧江自青藏高原一路滚滚南下,把茶及茶文化的光辉赐予了它中下游的这块广袤的土地以及土地上的人们。作为茶的母亲之河——澜沧江,它滋养万物,润泽苍生,在它的护佑下,两岸逶迤的群山成了茶的原生地。 Lincang tea source Hengduan Mountains foggy, Lancang River soup, Tropic of Cancer, shining place for the growth of emerald. The great Lancang River has swept all the way from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the vast expanse of mid-lower reaches and the people on the land thanks to the tea and tea culture. As the mother river of the tea - the Lancang River, which nourishes all things and moistens the common people, under the protection of it, the shrouded mountains on both sides of the Strait became the original place of tea.
旧上海的文化街有两处最为著名,一处是四马路(福州路),书店和文具店鳞次栉比。还有一处就是城隍庙。  城隍庙的小吃店和古董店林林总总。小吃店主要吸引平民百姓,古董店说得难听一些,就是斩外国人的冲头。古董店和洋人翻译暗中都有联系,凡是成交,那些露天翻译,总有二三成的回扣,这和今天一些旅行社的暗箱操作,情况差不多。  但城隍庙最兴隆的,还是旧书店和旧书铺。从“小世界”后门进去,经过九曲桥、护龙桥,再从小