柳州市局:聚焦“四风”问题 凝聚发展“正能量”

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自启动第二批党的群众路线教育实践活动以来,柳州市烟草专卖局(公司)以转作风、优服务、树形象、促发展为目标,以能不能做到让工业企业满意、让零售户满意、让员工满意来检验教育实践活动成效的标准,聚焦“四风”问题,凝聚柳烟发展“正能量”。动员部署全覆盖,在营造声势上开足马力。把握“五个第一”:第一时间:活动启动之初,柳州市局(公司)多次召开党组会和相关部门人员碰头会,学习中央文件精神和领导讲话。召开动员大会后,机关以及各县局(营销部)党支部马上进行再动员。第一责任:明确各级领 Since the launching of the mass line education practice of the second batch of the Party, Liuzhou Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (the Company) has set itself the goal of turning the work style, excellent service, tree image and promoting development so as to be able to satisfy industrial enterprises and make retail stores Satisfied with the satisfaction of employees to test the effectiveness of education practice standards, focusing on the “Four Winds” issue, condensate the development of Liu smoke “positive energy ”. Mobilize the deployment of full coverage, in full force to create momentum. Grasp the “five firsts”: the first time: the beginning of the event, Liuzhou Bureau (company) held several party meetings and relevant departments staff meeting to learn the spirit of the Central Committee and the leadership speech. After the mobilization meeting is held, the authorities and the county branch (marketing department) party branch immediately mobilized. The first responsibility: a clear collar at all levels
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本文阐述了震前地应力相对观测资料中的短期变化特征、趋势变化和短临表现,并提出了相应的认识。 In this paper, the characteristics of short-term variation, trend cha
十四、跃马扬鞭 动作① 右脚向正前一步落下,左脚向前上一步,两腿成左高虚步;左掌向正前拍击;右掌屈肘向下至右胁外侧。(图54)。 动作② 上体稍向右转,右脚向左前平移一步,
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[原文] 孙元君《坤诀》注曰:《彖》曰“至哉坤元,万物资生”。“坤”属老阴,阴极阳生,顺承乎天则生人生物, 顺承乎己则成道成真。清烈古佛曰:凡男子修行,皆从初工运炼,筑基起