经销商生存状态调查:利润降低 淡储必要 转型逢时

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日前,国内某机构在全国范围内开展了一次农资经销商生存状况调研,以调查问卷的形式随机调查了100位来自全国各地不同层次的农资经销商,其中,5位来自村级店,15位来自镇级店,38位来自县级店,37位来自省(市)级店。通过统计分析发现,“目前店内肥料库存普遍偏少,2013年农资利润较往年差,农资淡储应以适量为主,当地农民种粮积极性一般,进一步提高农产品收购价才是提高农民种粮积极性的有效举措。当 Recently, a domestic agency conducted a nationwide investigation of the subsistence status of agricultural distributors, and randomly surveyed 100 agricultural distributors at different levels across the country in the form of questionnaires, of which 5 were from village-level shops, 15 from the town shop, 38 from the county shop, 37 from the provincial (city) level shop. Through statistical analysis, we found that: ”At present, fertilizer stocks in the stores are generally less than normal. Since the agricultural profits in 2013 were worse than in previous years, the amount of agricultural raw materials should be modest and the enthusiasm of local farmers for grain cultivation should be raised. To further increase the purchasing price of agricultural products, Effective measures to grow grain enthusiasm
<正>中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部公告第830号,批准《住宅室内装饰装修设计规范》为行业标准,编号为JGJ 367—2015,自2015年12月1日起实施。其中,第3.0.4、3.0.7条为强制