Jinan Pharmacy will be the first to establish a market in the Ming Dynasty Wanli forty-three (1615) Jinan Baotu Western medicine Wang Temple was first established in the late Ming, development in the Qing, Sheng in the first half of the 20th century, held in 1965 After the suspension for some reason. Old, Jinan Baotu Spring is the main gate west of Wang Temple, the legendary lunar March March 28 is King Shennong medicine birthday. Every year on this day, druggists, farmers and civilians worship the Temple of Medicine more often. Pharmacists, drug farmers carry a variety of Chinese herbal medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines to this sale, other merchants also bring a variety of goods to this transaction, then formed a temple to the center of the drug Temple. Due to temples to buy and sell herbs mainly, later known as “drug market will ”. Drug market