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例1,女,31岁。因上环后月经过多行珍珠精母液肌肉注射,拟每次4ml,一日2次,5天为一疗程。不料刚注射第一针,拔针后患者即感全身无力、两下肢瘫软,坐在注射椅上起不来,不能说话。后诉说起针后眼发黑、冒金星,头晕、头痛,欲吐,全身出冷汗。操作者即抱病人就地躺在长椅上,测脉搏64次/分,5分钟后诸症状有所缓解;操作者扶病人到值班室床上休息,一旦站立症状重现,下肢无力更甚,站立困难。此症状从上午10时许注射后维持至翌晨方消失,其间患者血压、血像均正常,P60次左右。病人既往无类似发作史,对打针无恐惧感,且非空腹肌注。 Example 1, female, 31 years old. Due to the ring after the month after the multi-line mother of pearl muscle injection, to be 4ml each time, 2 times a day, 5 days for a course of treatment. Unexpectedly, just injection of the first needle, pull the needle after the patient that the whole body weakness, two lower limbs limp, sit in the injection chair can not get up, can not speak. Post-talk about the needle after the black eyes, take venus, dizziness, headache, vomiting, body sweat. The operator was lying patient on the bench, measured pulse 64 beats / min, 5 minutes after the symptoms have eased; the operator help patients to the duty room bed rest, once the standing symptoms, lower extremities weakness even worse, Standing difficult. This symptom was maintained at 10 am after injection until the morning morning disappeared, during which patients blood pressure, blood were normal, P60 times. No previous history of patients with similar attacks, no fear of injection, and not fasting intramuscular injection.
The two-dimensional material graphene shows its extraordinary potential in many application fields.As the most effective method to synthesize large-area monolay
一、系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的病因、病理生理1.遗传因素 以前,由于SLE多发家族的存在及一卵双生儿发病率高并与特定的HAL抗原有关,故推测SLE发病与遗传因素有关,但截至目前并没有发现HLA以外的候补基
前  言  中华医学会内分泌学会第五次全国学术会议于1997年10月17日至21日在杭州举行。出席大会的代表共有651人,除西藏、台湾省外,全国30个省、市、自治区均有代表参加。其中有临床内分泌