沈浮,天津人,1905年出生在一个码头工人家庭。由于家境贫寒,小学毕业后就开始独自谋生。1924年他考入天津渤海影片公司当演员,曾自编自导自演了一部喜剧片《大皮包》,但卖座不好,连成本也未收回。1933年他到上海加入联华影业公司,先是编辑《联华画报》,后任编导。经过刻苦自学和长期实践,他终于成长为优秀的电影艺术家,于1948年推出了我国电影史上著名的优秀影片之一:《万家灯火》。 《万家灯火》由阳翰笙编剧,描述上海某贸易公司职员胡智清一家三口,虽月入不丰,但妻子又兰持家有方,不仅小女有牛奶喝,还雇了女佣。公司经理钱剑如是
The ups and downs, Tianjin, was born in 1905 in a dock worker’s family. Due to poor family, after graduating from primary school began to make a living alone. In 1924, he was admitted to Tianjin Bohai Film Company as an actor. He directed and starred in a comedy “Big Leather Bag”, but the hit was not good and even the cost was not recovered. In 1933, he went to Shanghai to join UMC, first editing “Lianhua Pictorial” and later director. After painstaking self-study and long-term practice, he finally grew into an outstanding film artist. In 1948, he launched one of the best films in the history of Chinese film: Wandeng Lights. “Wanjiaguang” was written by Yang Hansheng and described Hu Zhiqing’s family of three employees in a trading company in Shanghai. Although his monthly income was not high, his wife and her family owned not only milk but also the maids. Qian Jian, manager of the company is